I found this great article from the
New York Times that profiles the fact that Valerie Jarrett and Michelle Obama are the two major influences for our President. Below is a snippet:
Rick Wade, a senior adviser, Stacey Brayboy, the state campaign manager, and Anton Gunn, the state political director, took turns beseeching their boss. The gala, they told Obama, would be attended by more than 2,000 college-educated African-American women, a constituent group that was originally skeptical of the candidate’s “blackness” and that the campaign worked tirelessly to wrest from
Hillary Clinton. State luminaries like Representative James Clyburn — himself an undeclared black voter — would be expecting him. They would be in and out in five minutes.
Obama’s irritation grew. “Man, it’s late, I’m tired,” he snapped. “I’m not going to any sorority event.”
The three staff members knew what their only option was at this point. “If you want him to do something,” Gunn would later tell me, “there are two people he’s not going to say no to:
Valerie Jarrett and
Michelle Obama.”
At the day’s penultimate event, a rally in Columbia, Gunn, Brayboy and Wade pleaded their case to Jarrett, the Obamas’ longtime friend and consigliere. When they were finished, Jarrett told them, “We can make that happen,” as Gunn would recall it. Jarrett informed Michelle of the situation, and when the candidate stepped offstage from the rally, Obama’s wife told him he had one last stop to make before they called it a night.
“I told Anton I’m not going to any Pink Ice Ball!” Obama barked.
Then Jarrett glided over to the fuming candidate. Her voice was very quiet and very direct.
“Barack,” she said, “you want to win, don’t you?”
Scowling, Obama affirmed that he did.
“Well, then. You need to go to Pink Ice.”
“And he shuts up,” Gunn recalls, “and gets on the bus.”
It looks like we know who steadies President Obama. He didn't get to become President of the United States by not being confident. I'm glad he has at least two people that can keep him focused.