Leavey, who is white, said she got into a heated discussion Wednesday with a court administrator about the court’s handling of a lawsuit against the court in which it asked the city to pay the judgment of $400,000 against it without warning.
“I told her people regard this as a ghetto court because of the way they treat people,” Leavey said.
Leavey said she was referring to long lines and slow service at the court – not it’s predominately African-American group of judges and rejected Atkins’ labeling of her as a racist. The administrator contacted Atkins, who contacted Deputy Mayor Saul Green, Leavey said.
“In her mind it was racist, and the mayor and deputy mayor also felt it was racist and felt I had to resign,” she said.
“I told her people regard this as a ghetto court because of the way they treat people,” Leavey said.
Leavey said she was referring to long lines and slow service at the court – not it’s predominately African-American group of judges and rejected Atkins’ labeling of her as a racist. The administrator contacted Atkins, who contacted Deputy Mayor Saul Green, Leavey said.
“In her mind it was racist, and the mayor and deputy mayor also felt it was racist and felt I had to resign,” she said.
In this day an age, it's amazing that people still haven't learned that you just can't say everything that comes to your mind.