Friday, May 8, 2009
Hey Bud Selig......Everybody's On Roids!

Soulja Boy Proving He's Here To Stay!

He tells the Atlanta Journal Constitution how he's dealt with the criticism from "haters" and emerged ready to take on the world with his talent.
Thursday, May 7, 2009
Oprah's Blackberry Moment!

Oprah Winfrey agreed to write about Michelle Obama for Time Magazine's "100 Most Influential People" issue, and had proceeded to write the article in the memo section on her Blackberry. Unfortunately, the Blackberry wasn't as cooperative, as Winfrey recounts:
"I had written the whole piece on my BlackBerry, and I was feeling really so great about it," Winfrey told us at the Time Warner Center gala event Tuesday night. "I wrote it in the memo section, and I went to hit save and I hit another key — and it disappeared. I lost the whole thing!"
She continued, "I had been writing it for a long period of time. I'd add a line when I heard someone say something that I liked, and this is how I wrote it for, like, a month. I figured I would sit down the day it was due and polish the whole thing, but it was just gone!"
"I just stared at the BlackBerry for about 30 minutes," she laughed. "I hit every single key to make it come back. I called the IT guy and then I sort of stared at my computer. I couldn't even think of a sentence or a word [I had written]. It was like, 'Oh my God. This has never happened to me, but of course it happens for [Michelle's piece].' I had to start all over. I was panicked. It was an absolute deadline, so it was crazy."
Thanks to the New York Daily News for the article. Too cool that Oprah is still grinding after accomplishing so much.
Wednesday, May 6, 2009
Dave Bing, New Detroit Mayor!

2 Bone Marrow Transplant Matches Found For Jasmina!

Ola Ray Wants Her "Thriller" Money!

Tuesday, May 5, 2009
LeBron Not Obama Is Proof Anything Is Possible!

All you need to know about LeBron is that he chose to receive the award at his high school, St. Vincent-St. Mary, and requested that only faculty and students be admitted to the festivities. This article from the Cleveland Plain Dealer shows how LeBron really hasn't forgotten the people who helped him get to where he is today. Just a brief section of the article below:
As Barbara Wood listened Monday, the school's librarian remembered how a young James would walk into the library and sit on her desk to talk. They'd Google his name on the computer, how there were only a few mentions at first -- then thousands.
She thought of how she corrected his grammar: "There is no such thing as fiddy cent. It's fifty cents ... with an S. It's more than one S."
She fought back the tears as he spoke with such poise, usually keeping the syntax and sentence structure together.
"He didn't have it easy growing up," said Wood. "But he wanted a better life for himself and his family."
James stops by the school a few times each year, "just him, not with his entourage," said Allison. He still wanders into the library and sits on Wood's desk. He also visits Beth Harmon, an English teacher for the last 11 years at the school.
"I had him as a freshman and sophomore, he was a solid B student," she said. "He was a pleasure to have in class, punctual and polite. As a senior, he'd come to my room and grab some of the candy on my desk. I used him to help me grade papers. We stay in touch, we text 2-3 times a week, and he always answers quickly."
After winning the Olympic gold medal, he brought it to the school on Maple Street to show the teachers and some students. He comes in private, not wanting the media or anyone outside of the Irish family to know he's there.
While our president, Barack Obama is inspirational for what he's accomplished, LeBron James was the product of a broken family, teenage mother and didn't waste the talent that he was given. All of us have talents that are never developed, thus we become disillusioned and despondent because of the pressures of our environments. Youngsters, please look at what Mr. James has been able to accomplish and say "Yes I Can!" Take the beauty of learning seriously and develop your God given talents to the fullest. Riches and money shouldn't be the goal, but simply doing in life what makes you fulfilled.
Monday, May 4, 2009
NAACP 54th Annual Fight For Freedom Fund Dinner!

"One hundred years later, we're free, but we're not equal," "The banks are too big to fail; the neighborhoods are too small to matter. Don't be silent."
It's hard to believe that Rev. Jackson has essentially become irrelevant in our community. I guess when you become a millionaire on the backs of your people, becoming irrelevant is just reward.
James Stewart: Motocross Champion!

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