To be so young, and to have to deal with disturbing real life issues hopefully will benefit Rihanna in her future decisions regarding men. Thanks to the New York Post for the article.
The Rev. Al Sharpton led protesters, who picketed outside the paper yesterday. Sharpton is not fully accepting the paper's apology.
"They made what could have been a noble gesture ignoble by trying to attack people at the same time they're trying to apologize to them. It's not opportunistic to say 'I've been offended.' This makes it hard to take them seriously."This story obviously has more legs than I thought it would have with all of the other issues going on in our country. Hopefully Sharpton will get the result that he's looking for in leading the protest. The depiction a chimp possibly being the first black president is clearly offensive, if that's the intent, but President Barack Obama is a month into his presidency and people are losing their minds over editorial cartoons. The fact that we have a black president means that we've come a long, long way. This probably won't be the worst editorial that we see regarding our new president over the next 4 years, and Sharpton may want to toughen up and get ready for it.
Ever the showman, Shaquille O'Neal performed with the Jabberwockees during the introductions of last night's NBA All-Star Game in Phoenix. Shaq also went on to earn Co-MVP of the game with his former teammate Kobe Bryant. Shaq now refers to the former teammates, who have feuded in the past as the "legendaries."