I will say one thing about Kwame Kilpatrick. He's a talented and smart brother who owned up to his errors in judgement. I wouldn't even be surprised if after settling his penalties that he serves again as a public servant.
This is a story that's been around for awhile, but definitely worth discussing. Sen. James Meeks of Chicago, who is also a church pastor will initiate his boycott of Chicago Public Schools by busing as many as 2,000 city students to a suburban school that boasts affluence and academics.
Meeks has been focusing for months on the inequities in funding for the Chicago Public School System, and tried unsuccessfully to get a commitment of $120 million from the state in in increased funding. Now the boycott begins, and the Chicago Tribune provides additional details on the controversy.
I applaud James Meeks for taking on the establishment, and requesting increased funding for schools that need the money. Education will be the only way for many students in Chicago to rise above their circumstances.