Yesterday NBA Commissioner David Stern justifiably suspended Gilbert Arenas indefinitely for bringing guns into his workplace as a member of the Washington Wizards. The other party in the story Javaris Crittenton is alleged to have loaded and cocked a gun during his confrontation with Arenas in the locker room after Arenas allegedly laid a set of guns on a table and "playfully" told Crittenton to pick one. Mark Wise writing for
BulletsForever.com states that Crittenton loaded and cocked his own gun in retaliation to Arenas' plea. If this is indeed true, then it's a wrap for Crittenton. A suspension will not be enough and his career will be over.
Arenas, who is probably at the least suspended for the remainder of the NBA season, is facing the loss of the remaining $80 million of his contract if he's charged and convicted of gun charges. It's crazy seeing 2 young millionaires potentially losing their careers for allegedly betting in a card game. Money definitely doesn't buy brains.
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